Tuition & Fees
How to Apply
Tuition Policies
1. Enrollment fee is $50 per family.
2. A two weeks’ notice, in writing must be given when withdrawing your child. Payment must be made whether or not your child is in attendance.
3. Tuition is due by the 1st working day of each month/week.
4. Tuition MUST be paid for every week day that your child is regularly scheduled to attend, regardless of illness, absence, vacation, holiday, or closure.
5. Registration Fee (due every January) $50 per child
6. Supply Fee (due every September) $50 per child
1. If you choose the monthly payment option and payment is received on or before the 1st day of the month there is a $10 discount.
2. Sibling discount: For 2 or more children there will be 10% off the lowest tuition amount for one child.
Payment Options
We give our families 2 payment options:
1. You may pay monthly. A check or money order must be dropped on or before the 1st working day of the month.
2. You may pay weekly. Payment is due on Monday of each current week.
3. Acceptable forms of Payment: Money Order and Check
Penalties & Fees
1. A late fee of $10 per day will be assessed if tuition is not received by 6:30 a.m. on the second day. Non-payment by the 5th day of the week will result in suspension from the program until tuition is received.
2. There will be a $40 charge on all returned checks.
If a check is returned, all payments must be made in the form of a money order or cashier’s check.
5 Days Per Week Program
Infants (0–17 Months)
$1,160.44 per month
Toddlers (18–35 mos)
$1,093.33 per month
Preschool (3–5 yrs)
$1,035.09 per month