Academic Excellence in a Christ-Centered EnvironmentOur curriculum is always brain smart and research based, with our instruction and assessments aligned with state standards.
Research based, brain smart curriculum
Good Shepherd Lutheran School provides the community with quality Christ-centered education. Students receive daily Christ-centered instruction, which provides them with the tools that enable them to make appropriate choices, and strengthen their walk in Christ. Our goal is to empower students in their faith development, cultivate their academics and to apply God’s Word to their daily living. A professional staff of certified Christ-centered educators and parental involvement make it possible to carry out our school’s mission. Core subjects, including Religion, English, Language Arts, Reading, Math, Social Studies, and Science are taught on a daily basis, with multiple opportunities for recess. Spanish, Art, Music, and PE are also part of the curriculum. Technology is integrated into instruction at all age levels and provides the students with hands-on experience and opportunities to advance their personal technological skills.
our classroom
Our classroom stands apart for many reasons. We implement a low ratio in each classroom of 1:15 children at each grade level. Our curriculum is always brain smart and research based, with our instruction and assessments aligned with state standards. We use current technology in our classrooms, including Chromebooks. We also follow STREAM programming (Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Arts & Mathmatics). We frequently monitor learning and teaching strategies that align with TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills) to bring the very best to our students. Our supportive learning environment, high levels of collaboration and communication as well as our high standards and expectations for all students make our classroom the best, Christ-centered option for your child in Bastrop!
Academic Excellence
- Premier individualized education in a Christ-centered environment
- Gifted, engaging teachers and strong, credible management
- Actively involved pastoral team leading religious education
- Secure facilities
- Approachable leadership
- Internal safety measures promote an environment for children to positively reflect the culture of the school.
- Talent evaluation process
- Assessment and testing for academic thresholds
- Before/After School care/ Winter Break/Spring Break/Days out/Holidays
- Individual support for children, teachers, and parents
- Specialized teachers that are trained in effective elementary education practices
- Curriculum flexibility and choice
- Focus on values and culture
Academic Support.
Good Shepherd Lutheran School offers an extensive program of courses and opportunities that expand student learning and educational experiences beyond the standard curriculum.
Recognizing the importance of reading to a students’ academic success, Good Shepherd offers programs to help students at all reading levels to strengthen their skills in reading and comprehension. Good Shepherd has a reading specialist on staff to provide individualized support to students’ needing added support in reading.
Good Shepherd after school teachers provide direction and assistance to students in after-school homework clinics.
Good Shepherd offers support to students and their families to enrich their educational experience.
- Daily hot lunch program
- Online school communications site
- Before- and after-school care
- Staff work days and school closure care (spring break, winter break, etc)
Our school families and students also benefit from the many resources available through our connection to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, such as worship services, Vacation Bible School, First Communion, pastoral counseling and community service opportunities.
A Christ-centered PERSPECTIVE
Students in all grade levels attend a weekly worship service with their classes in the on-campus sanctuary. These services offer meaningful worship in which students hear God’s word, get to know Good Shepherd’s pastors and sing God’s praises.
Offerings are received each week at chapel to go to charitable and/or mission endeavors identified by Good Shepherd Lutheran School. Parents are welcome to attend chapel but are asked to sign in with the school office first.

Project Curiosity
Amy Corbitt is a veteran educator with a passion for everything STEM. She has over twenty years’ experience and was recognized by her high school campus leaders as the STEM counselor in the third largest district in Texas. Understanding the need for a strong STEM program, she worked closely with the school’s renowned engineering program to provide enriching experiences and post-secondary opportunities for her students in academia and career. Providing these unique opportunities to small communities through her STEM program is a top priority and exciting endeavor for Amy.
Project Curiosity is a school-based enrichment program for preschool through eighth grade students, offering classes with a focus on ten STEM related modules containing content rich, hands-on labs that allow students to explore their interests in STEM subjects while having FUN. We help build critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, teamwork and of course curiosity!
Sarah's Spanish School
The primary goals of this program are to promote bilingual education and demonstrate to students just how fun and accessible learning a second language can be. The program includes a step-by-step Spanish course specifically designed for kids, utilizing an acquisition-driven instruction and immersion model. Our students will learn Spanish through stories, games, songs, cultural lessons, and other interactive activities, ensuring they remain interested and motivated.
Lessons are crafted around topics that interest students and focus on high-frequency words and phrases. This approach encourages natural communication in Spanish, rather than rote memorization or conjugation drills. The curriculum aligns with grade-appropriate World Language Standards and, if desired, can include assessments and grading through a secure, password-protected platform.

Music education in the elementary school level is a vital aspect of a successful school’s curriculum. Researchers have continually gathered evidence supporting the benefits and positive effects of music education within the school and have clearly demonstrated the need for elementary music programs.
When young children learn through music their IQ has the potential for significant increases, which helps them in their future education. The GSLS music education program increases our children’s cognitive development. Children receive music education every week during Chapel time.
Art is so important because it gives students the freedom and responsibility to create and perceive. GSLS believes this time is crucial for fostering self expression, confidence, and individuality.
Our curriculum this year will take students on a historical journey, connecting lessons to past artistic styles and mediums. While each lesson
will have a distinct historical/artistic focus, I will concentrate on including four elements that are necessary for elementary art students:
1. Observation/Perception: encouraging students to make unique and careful observations about their environment while making sure they
understand the artistic elements
2. Creative Expression: allowing students to communicate their ideas through a variety of media with appropriate skills and imagination
3. Historical and Cultural Relevance: connecting and educating students on cultural and historical perspectives through an artistic lens
4. Critical evaluation and Response: Growing students’ ability to analyze and respond to the world around them
Physical Education
The elementary physical education curriculum is a program that has been designed to focus on three major areas that will contribute to your child’s physical health.
· Movement concepts- The program emphasizes the variety of ways we travel, such as running, hopping and balancing. The speed ladder will help these concepts with changes in directions, changing speeds, ways to balance, jump and land.
· Skill themes- Basic motor skills such as kicking, throwing and catching will also be emphasized during this program. We will learn more fundamental skills in sports and playground games.
· Safety & wellness- These concepts are taught throughout the program and include ways to improve cardiovascular performance, endurance and flexibility as well as safety and following instructions.
Physical activity must be done regularly to achieve health benefits. P.E. class will be twice a week on Wednesdays and Fridays. Your child’s participation is important for school and their health.
Students at Good Shepherd have a daily chapel experience in their classrooms. Children go to chapel once a week on Wednesdays. Together we read stories from age-appropriate Bibles and ask learning questions that get kids thinking creatively about how the Bible applies to our lives. We even sing learning songs together to help remember the lessons from the stories. The goals of chapel are to help kids take ownership of their own relationship with Jesus, to seek God’s will in all times, and to be a good friend to others. Students at Good Shepherd learn that while faith involves some rules, it most importantly involves a living relationship with Jesus.
Positive Action
Positive Action is based on the intuitive philosophy that we feel good about ourselves when we do positive actions. The Thoughts-Actions-Feelings Circle (TAF) illustrates how this works in life: our thoughts lead to actions and those actions lead to feelings about ourselves which in turn lead to more thoughts. When this cycle is negative, students do not want to learn. When this cycle is positive, students want to learn. The essence of the program is to emphasize those actions that promote a healthy and positive cycle. The Positive Action program works through these concepts in a systematic way. GSLS Students attend this empowering youth program every Monday.