Happening Now
Worship Leaders called: Thank you to all worship leaders today. If you would like to help lead worship, please speak with the Good Shepherd Office Manager, Rebecca Tabor: office@gslcbastrop.org or (512) 303-3980.
Architectural Design: The architectural schematic design for the Good Shepherd Development Plan has been successfully completed! Thanks for your time, energy, and financial support in seeing this initial phase through. We now prepare to draft construction documents and engage in a capital campaign to further our mission. Stay tuned for the next step.
Bible Study: The New Testament You Never Knew: Join a 6-week tour of the Holy Land on Sundays at 8:30 AM via zoom. The New Testament will come alive as we learn about the real context of our sacred writings. Jan. 3 through Feb. 14.
Social Media Policy Needed: In this time of great reliance on social media, our church needs a policy that will help keep people safe in the digisphere. The SWT Synod has provided some excellent resources for creating a policy; we need one person who can read through these recommendations and create a draft policy for council approval. Please contact Jan Schwindt or Travis Fitzgold if you are interested.
Dialogue Circle: Racial Reconciliation: Ever wonder what you can do about racism? This dialogue circle is a clear answer. We will practice a biblical healing process based on Latasha Morrison’s book Be the Bridge. Designed for both the right and left ends of the political spectrum. Join in for 5 weeks on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM via zoom.
Scripture Lessons For Next Week:
First Reading: 1 Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:5-12
Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Gospel: Mark 1:14-20
Card Ministry: Would you like to get involved in our card ministry? We send important cards to particular people or groups of people. These cards express gratitude, sympathy, celebration, and more, and embody Christ’s care in this world. Please click these blue words if you are called to be involved.
Audio/Visual Ministry: You have the chance to help make God’s word available to people in the digisphere. Learn how to manage the zoom platform during worship and help spread God’s good news! Contact Pr. Travis ( pastor@goodshepherdbastrop.org) or Rebecca (office@gslcbastrop.org) to get started.